Streamline Collar Sacrificial Anode
Protecting your marine vessel from galvanic corrosion is a priority at Sea Shield Marine. That’s why our streamline collars are pressure die cast and conform to the highest Mil-Spec standards, protecting your precious underwater metals. Sea Shield Marine Streamline Collars are available in Zinc and Aluminum, install with just 2 deep-slotted stainless steel machine screws providing maximum torque, and are extremely durable.
The Streamline Collars are for more streamlined applications, where the vessel runs faster. Typically this application leaves the shaft more exposed, so the anode is designed accordingly. Keep in mind that to get the most from your anode, it is important that it fits around the shaft completely. We offer a range of sizes and types for your application. All of these are made with the highest quality of alloy by Sea Shield Marine, providing maximum protection for your equipment.